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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Pre-election Surveys Using a Multi-modal Interviewing Strategy
Year 2016
Access date 01.06.2016
Despite the fact that recent polling in the US has performed no worse than in the past on average, significant misses in some races have pollsters and poll watchers concerned about the future of political polling. Of primary concern is the potential biases created by increasing cell-phone only (CPO) households, declining response rates, and the relationship between non-coverage, non-response and voting. The increasing costs required to conduct methodologically sound pre-election polling is another concern. All of these concerns are forcing pollsters to adopt new methodologies, one of which is the use of mixed-mode surveys. Mixed-mode surveys are used to combine the strengths of multiple methodologies in order to achieve higher response rates, more representative samples, and better response quality. There is also evidence that usinga mixed-mode design increases the efficiency of a survey. This poster explores the feasibility of using a mixed-mode design (web and telephone) to conduct voter surveys by presenting a comparison ofinterviewing efficiency, response rates, sample representativeness, and survey estimates produced by using telephone and web-based data collection strategies. The data for this poster come from surveys conducted using list-based samples of registered Pennsylvania voters during the months of June (n=640), August (n=691), and October (n=677) 2015.
Access/Direct link Conference Homepage (abstract) 
Year of publication2016
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations

Web survey bibliography (4086)
